
Skilled Nursing

Skilled Nursing

You will be assigned to a registered nurse as your primary care manager who is responsible for overseeing all your care needs. Our nurse will collaborate with you and your doctor to develop a personalized plan of care and will coordinate any other home-based services that you may need.
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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Treatment of injury and disease using functional-based techniques with an emphasis on improving your functional abilities. After a hospitalization, illness, or surgery our rehab care team will create a personalized plan of care for the most optimal outcomes.
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Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Services are provided to help you return to your necessary activities of daily living (i.e., bathing, housekeeping, and preparing meals). Helping you adapt to social and physical environments through specialized occupational therapy techniques.
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Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Communication problems and difficulties can develop after an injury or illness. Our speech therapists will address communication issues and swallowing dysfunction when indicated. Speech and language pathologists will design a treatment plan to help with language ability, provide alternate communication strategies, and give appropriate diet recommendations to improve swallowing.
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Medical Social Worker

Medical Social Worker

Our social workers will collaborate with you and your family to better understand your needs and the programs that are available. They will address any concerns that arise in your home environment and social setting to improve your quality of life.
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Home Health Aides

Home Health Aides

Home Health Aides are assigned to provide personal care including bathing, dressing, and meal preparation in accordance with the plan of care. Intermittent services may be available to help you with your activities of daily living.
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